Friday, April 7, 2017

-Relief Society Newsletter- Little Valley Ward
 -Birthdays -  
7th: Christina Palmer
9th: Erika Cole
18th: Nicole Hansen
19th: Susan Nelson
19th: Becky Roper
20th: Kelly Shaffer
22nd: Krista Knapp
27th: McKinlei Drummond
27th: Tara McCoy
30th: Lexee Neil    

-April Announcements - 
Relief Society News:
* April 12 – Wednesday Lunch Bunch 11:30pm at Pizza Limone.  All sisters welcome!
* April 28/29 - RS RETREAT in Pine Valley. Come join us for an overnighter of fun, food and service!  We will be making Days for Girls Kits.  

Young Women News:
* LV Stake YW Camp Kick-off!  Camp service project is “Take 10 to Give 10” Please bring items to Stake Standards Night April 23rd, or to Mutual April 25th.  Parents please check your email for details. 
* Girls Camp 2017- Stake Camp held  June 6th –June 10th.  All YW who will be 12 by August 31, 2017 and older are invited to attend. Mark your calendar!  

Primary News:
* The Friend Magazine is issuing a CTR Challenge each month and Little Valley Ward Primary children are participating. The Primary Presidency will send home the printed CTR Challenge each month. After the challenge has been completed please return it to the Presidency. The Presidency will save them all and give them to the Bishop as a special gift on his birthday!
* Please remind your children to bring their scriptures to church every week!   

-Lessons -  
April 1/2: General Conference  
April 9: Presidency Message By: Stacey Salmon 
April 16: EASTER!  Ch 8: We Look to Christ  By: Amy Allen 
April 23: Visiting Teaching Message-ALL SISTERS ARE INVITED! By: Jenni Crandall 
April 30: Stake Conference 

 -Relief Society News - 
  * THANK YOU to our wonderful RS committee for putting on such a great Relief Society Birthday Dinner!  
* Please drop off any donations for “Days of Girls” at  Jacque LeRoy’s house.  Thank you!  2554 E. Crimson Ridge Dr.  * Submit a photo (or updated photo) of yourself for our RS photo directory.  Email 

-Visiting Teaching -
* A NEW MONTH!!  Don’t forget to make your appointments with your sisters!  
-Contact Numbers -  RS President: Ronda Vincent…..(801) 608-7059
1st Counselor: Jen Meredith..……(208) 650-6939 2nd Counselor: Amber Carter.…..(801) 836-4403 Secretary: Stacey Salmon..........…(213) 300-3807 Secretary: Jacque LeRoy……….…(801) 953-9251

“Through small and simple things Great Things are brought to pass” Alma 37:6


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