Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dear Sisters of the Little Valley Ward,

We love you and are so thankful for all of the countless hours of service you provide to those in need. In two weeks, April 17th, we will be holding a special meeting for all of you during the Relief Society hour of church. Because we would like everyone to be able to participate, the priesthood has agreed to cover all other classes during this hour. This means, regardless of your typical weekly church responsibilities, you will be able to attend Relief Society during the third hour of church. We are excited to be able to have all of the sisters together during this hour and look forward to seeing you there. A light breakfast will be served. So, put it on your calendars, April 17th (2 Sundays from now), the third hour of church, in the Relief Society room.

Please also mark April 22nd and 23rd on your calendars. The Relief Society and Laurels will be having an overnight cabin retreat. We hope all will come and develop stronger friendships. 


The Little Valley Relief Society Presidency

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Little Valley Ward Relief Society


• April 10th 7:00pm @ Stake Center - LV Stake Relief Society Fireside. A Hope Filled Evening with
Sister Ellen Smoot, former General Relief Society President, and Amanda Wilkinson.
All Relief Society sisters are invited to attend.

• April 22nd SAVE THE DATE. The Relief Society and Laurels will be having an overnight cabin
retreat. Watch for more details to come as it gets closer.
This Week: General Conference

New Sisters
Trisha Riding
3676 Bentley Road
Birthday: January 1st

Lani McCoy
2280 E 3860 S
Birthday: October, 22