Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sister Spotlight: Kristin Morgan

My favorite dinner/ dessert is: I would drive to Vegas any day for a piece of s’more cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.
My favorite hobby is: I like to read, run, travel, and spend time with family and friends.
The city I would most like to visit is: Someday I want to travel to Athens, Greece.
The best vacation I ever had was: Nate and I toured Italy one Spring before we had kiddos. It was the best trip ever.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I would love to learn to play the piano and sew like an expert.
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? I hate washing my floors! They are super dark so I am constantly sweeping, vacuuming, dry mopping and steam mopping them. It’s the worst.
What is the "thing" you are most grateful for? I am most grateful for my husband and kiddos.
What's the coolest thing you've ever done? The coolest thing I have ever done is probably taking a gondola ride through the canals in Venice, Italy with my husband.
If you are married, how did you meet your husband? How did he propose? Nate and I met at BYU-Idaho where we were both in the same ward and FHE group (truly an original Mormon story).
What would be your perfect day? My perfect day would be playing on a sunny beach with my husband and kiddos. We are lucky to be so close to CA that we get to have this perfect day about twice a year. I love it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ward Temple Night

This Friday, August 15th
7:20 Session

Relief Society Activity

This Thursday 
August 14th at 7 PM
Come learn from Lori Hewett as she teaches us her amazing cleaning/organizing system that will have your house organized in no time.  
We will have Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sister Spotlight:Courtney White

Courtney White

My favorite dinner/ dessert is: Pulled pork/beef

My favorite flower is: forget-me-nots
My favorite hobby is: read, read, read and read some more
My favorite restaurant is: Olive Garden
A game I like to play is: The Game of Life
The music I listen to most is: Spiritual/Uplifting music, instrumental music
My favorite thing to buy is: Books
A book I highly recommend is: Edenbrooke
A movie I watch over and over is: Pride and Prejudice (Any version), Jane Austin movies
A smell that makes me pause is: Puke!!
The city I would most like to visit is: Not a city but Holland the country
The best vacation I ever had was: Any, when I am with my family
If you could be a fictional character, who would you choose? Genie!!
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Play the Cello
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Dusting
What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic? 
I love much
What is the "thing" you are most grateful for? Husband and children and family
What is your dream vacation? Going to Holland/Netherlands
What's the coolest thing you've ever done? Gone to Hawaii to pick up my older brother off his mission
If you are married, how did you meet your husband? How did he propose? I totally offended him and it took him months to ask me out. On our first date (Dixie State Homecoming dance) he feel asleep and hit a parked car put us both in the hospital and then it was meant to be!! Marriage, 8 kids later and everything sweet and nice!!
What would be your perfect day? The Second Coming!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August Birthdays

Kim Woodbury – 4th
Sondra Hurst – 6th
Melanie Alldredge – 8th
Gini Erickson – 12th
Jenny Drummond – 13th
Misty Greer – 15th
Lauri Nicholas – 16th
Jamie Kunsch – 17th
Jill Telford – 20th
Jan Liston – 22nd
Linda Lavaki – 23rd
Jesselyn Drummond – 24th
Katelin Roper – 28th

Lesson Schedule

August 3rd-
Presidency Message
August 10th-
#18 Living by Every Word That Proceeds from the Mouth of God
August 17th-
#19 In the World but Not of the World
August 24th-
Conference Talk
August 31st-
RS and Priesthood combined 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sister Spotlight-Malynn Cutler

Malynn Cutler

My favorite dinner/ dessert is: Roast beef and Mashed Potatoes/ Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream
My favorite flower is: a Lily or tulip
My favorite hobby is: Dancing and Scrapbooking
My favorite restaurant is: Outback
The music I listen to most is: Church music, it is inspiring
My favorite thing to buy is: treats (cookies, ice cream)
A book I highly recommend is: Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson
A movie I watch over and over is: Pride and Prejudice
The city I would most like to visit is: I want to go on a cruise with my husband. I don't really care where we go, I just want to go on a cruise.
The best vacation I ever had was: Going with my husband and children to Disneyland. I love, love, love Disneyland!
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I would love to be a fabulous piano player. Unfortunately, that takes a lot of practice and I don't practice much. Hopefully someday I will.
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? cleaning the showers- my husband knows this he cleans our shower, so I don't have to
What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic? I have been told I have a great smile.
What is the "thing" you are most grateful for? I'm not much into things. I am most grateful for my husband and children and knowledge that Families are Forever.
What's the coolest thing you've ever done? At Dixie High I received my Diamond D and earned the privilege of repelling off the DIXIE rock to whitewash it.
If you are married, how did you meet your husband? We grew up in the same Stake and both attended Dixie High School, but never actually met. I was just a familiar face. In college, I asked him to a dance. The dance was cancelled, but I had his attention. After our first date, we spent almost everyday together and were engaged within 3 months and married within 5 months. We have been married 16 years this August and have 4 wonderful children.
What would be your perfect day? Sleeping in, then spending the day doing fun activities with my husband and kids. It would include happy kids and no cooking or cleaning. In the evening, going on a nice date of dinner and dancing with my husband.