Sunday, November 17, 2013

Spotlight: Tara McCoy

Tara McCoy:

Born and Raised- I was born in Hailey, Idaho a small town near Sun Valley and was raised in 2 different towns around that area (Carey & Shoshone).  It was fun to grow up in a small town of less than 1,200 people.  Everyone knew everyone and there was a great sense of community.

Schooling and how we met- My husband and I met in Logan while attending Utah State.  After we were married, we moved away from Logan, and I ended up finishing my schooling at Weber State (psychology).  There's not much to cheer for when it comes to sports at Weber State, so we are big BYU fans, at least big BYU football fans.  We like to travel to at least 1 fun away game each year with friends and cheer on the Cougars.

Family- My husband and I have been married for 16 years and have 4 boys (Braden, 13, Tyler, 9, Blake, 7, and Spencer 1).

What brought you to St. George?-  For the last 9 years, we lived in South Jordan and loved it, but last year, we started thinking of moving.  We didn't really want to leave our friends or family but felt like it was what our family needed.  We had all intentions of moving further north, but after selling our house in July and then having several stumbling blocks along the way, Heavenly Father brought us to St. George.  It has been a big adjustment to move away from family and good friends, but we are excited for our new adventure here.

Hobbies and favorites-  I grew up playing volleyball and basketball and still love to play both sports but haven't played either for a while.  I love playing games and spending time with family.  We love vacationing and are super excited to be this much closer to Disneyland and the beach.

Something Unique About You-  I have been blessed to be able to stay home to raise my children and after having all of them in school, we were blessed with our little 1 year old boy, Spencer. My days with a toddler have started all over again, and I love it.

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